Rubric Category | 5=Excellent | 4=Very Good | 3=Satisfactory | 2=Somewhat Unsatisfactory | 1=Unsatisfactory |
Participation, Interest and Openness | Student shows initiative by volunteering to participate in the discussion without being asked. Asks questions, answers questions and/or makes comments that contribute positively to the class discussion and that demonstrate an interest or curiosity about the topic. | Student asks or answers one or more questions and makes a positive contribution to the discussion. | Student answers a question if called upon. Answers are appropriate to the question, even if brief. | Student does not answer questions even if called upon or asks and answers questions in a way that detracts from class discussion. | The student`s comments and questions are disruptive to class discussion, off-topic, or excessively negative. |
Professionalism and Shop Safety | Student follows instructions about use of materials, tools and equipment. Student exhibits a high level of professional behavior, including sharing materials as needed, assisting others if needed, and helping to clean up the workspace after the work is done. | Student follows instructions about use of materials, tools and equipment. When asked, student shares; assists others with use of materials, tools and equipment; and/or helps with clean-up. | Student follows instructions about use of materials, tools and equipment. | Student needed prompting in order to follow instructions about use of materials, tools and equipment. Or student was not following safety guidelines or professional expectations. | Student did not follow safety guidelines or professional expectations. Student`s actions raised concerns about classroom safety or about the safety or comfort of others. |
Written or Hands-on Assignments | Student completes writing, drawing or hands-on assignments with an excellent quality of work, as appropriate for a new beginner. Student demonstrates interest in the topic by trying something new, spending time on the project, and/or paying attention to details. | Student completes writing, drawing or hands-on assignments with a good quality of work, as appropriate for a new beginner. | Student completes writing, drawing or hands-on assignments with an acceptable quality of work, even if brief. | Student submits assignment but it is incomplete or below acceptable quality. Or student appears to work on assignment but does not submit the work to the teacher. | Student does not do assigned work. |
Note: If a category is not applicable, or the student was absent you can leave the entry blank (or zero). Or if it is just 'unknown' a blank (or zero) is also fine. Note that blanks/zeros don't increase or lower the final score. The exploratory scores are based on the average daily scores for the actual 1-5 ratings plus points for completion of the reflection journal.