ABOUT - Skills Library CVTE Database Features

The Skills Library CVTE Database provides checklists, reflection screens, exploratory scheduling, curriculum tools, and a variety of other tools for teachers, students and administrators in CVTE programs.

CVTE Competencies & Skills

The Skills Library Competency Checklist provides screens for teachers to track, and students to self-assess, student skill levels based on the skills/competencies in the Massachusetts CVTE frameworks. The checklists include the Massachusetts CVTE Framework Strands 1 through 6, plus a "Strand C" to track Industry-Recognized Credentials, and "Strand H" to track hours of participation in classroom and worksite learning. Other supplemental skills lists can be added by request.

The database home page includes a variety of "dashboard views" with graphs, charts, calendars, or other at-a-glance features. The reports menu provides easy access to more detailed information, and includes a report-builder that allows administrators to create their own reports.

See the Skills Library Database Overview slideshow to see samples of the database screens.

Curriclum Mapping and Lesson Planning

Teachers can save curriculum maps or lesson, unit or project plans in the database, and link those to skills/competencies from the frameworks. Based on these saved templates, teachers or students can view a custom grid version of the checklist based on the skills/competencies covered in that lesson, unit or project, and assess just those skills/competencies.

With the introduction of a new version of the statewide CTE frameworks, we are also adding new "multi-dimensional" curriculum mapping features, allowing for multi-dimensional planning, year-by-year, and across units, courses, and projects.

Skills Library Student Pages

The Skills Library Student Pages provide online access for students to self-assess based on the CVTE frameworks and to access additional features, which may include:

  • For Grade 9:
    • Exploratory Schedule and Reflection Journal (if using Exploratory Module)
    • Exploratory Choices, Program Choices
    • Career Values and Interests
    • Surveys / Career Planning Checklists
  • For Grades 9-12:
    • Competency Checklist Self-Assessment Screens
    • Student View of the Competency Checklist
    • Career Planning Tools: including career exploration surveys and questionnaires, career planning checklists, and online portfolio features
    • Link to Shop Safety Checklist (if using Shop Safety Checklist module)
    • Internship/Coop Resources, Timesheets, Skills Assessment and Reflection

Internship/Co-op Module

The Internship/Co-op Module provides a full set of features for managing student internships, co-operative education experiences, summer jobs, or other career experiences. This module can be used with the Skills Library CVTE database, or as a complement to other databases in your school or program, or as a stand-alone database.

Features include:

  • Teachers, program coordinators or students enter basic information about each student experience, including the worksite, worksite contact information, student job title, and start date.
  • Teachers, program coordinators or students use online screens to write a job description and identify a list of key skills to be the focus of the experience.
  • Students and worksite supervisors use this skills list as a guide for periodic assessments and reflections.
  • Students or program coordinators use timesheet screens or data entry screens to track hours worked.
  • A menu of reports allows database users to view student lists, employer lists, skills assessments, reflections, hours and other information. Report menus are customizeable, allowing different views and reports for each type of database user.

Skills Library Shop Safety Checklist

The Shop Safety Checklist is designed to provide a quarterly review of all aspects of physical shop safety and shop safety practices. Teachers or student-teacher teams inspect the shop and complete the checklist, making notes about any issues and any corrective actions taken.

The list of checklist sections varies by program, and includes topics such as first aid kits, fire safety, tools and equipment, personal protective equipment, ergonomics, health and wellness, signage, and more.

Program coordinators can edit the list of checklist items. Teachers and coordinators can view a variety of reports to see what issues have been identified each quarter.

Exploratory Module

The Exploratory screens provide tools for managing the Freshman Exploratory Program.

For Students:

  • A landing page for each student with customizeable features, which may include:
    • Daily Exploratory Schedule
    • Online Reflection Journal, with space to write reflections after each rotation
    • Overview of the Exploratory program, with links to an orientation slideshow or other resources
    • Career Values and Interests Assessment
    • Program choices questionnaire
    • View Exploratory scores/points earned
    • Post-program survey
    • Or other surveys or questionnaires
  • Daily personalized automated emails with the daily exploratory schedule and any reminders

For Teachers:

  • Class lists for each rotation
  • School-wide lists to show which students are in which classes each day
  • Screens to enter attendance and rubric scores
  • Exploratory calendar with rotation dates and key events
  • Summary views, including accumulated points earned, attendance, and reflection journal entries

For Administrators

  • "Calendar-Builder" screen to create the rotation calendar
  • Easy features - and hands-on support - for creating class lists, which can be created automatically, or customized based on program choices, or imported from a spreadsheet
  • Summary views, including accumulated points earned, attendance, and reflection journal entries
  • View results of surveys, assessments, program choices, and more
  • Customize the scoring rubric, student email messages, and more.
  • Reports menu includes a set of commonly-used reports, plus the opportunity to create your own reports or ask us to create a new report.

See the Exploratory Overview slideshow to view sample screens.